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Jan Cisek, Environmental psychologist, Brander and Designer, Feng shui Expert, Speedreading Coach, Meditation Instructor

Jan Cisek, Environmental psychologist, Brander and Designer, Feng shui Expert, Speed-reading Coach, Spiritual Health Mentor

JAN CISEK, MSc, specialises in multidisciplinary design, holistic interior design as well as branding. He is a feng shui expert, an environmental psychologist, a certified counsellor and a spiritual health mentor. He is also a speed reading and accelerated learning trainer and mentor.

He is also an expert in preconscious processing, holistic environment design, environmental semiotics/symbolism (MSc in Environmental Psychology), subliminal priming, online marketing, web usability, SEO (search engine optimisation), PPC campaigns, logo design, branding cities and regions (global branding).

Jan also works with a specialised team of high-level, innovative professionals and experts (Strategic Linking Analysts, PR, Business Psychologists, Human Due Diligence Consultants, Research Marketing and Viral Marketing Specialists, and Copywriters) to position your brand ahead of its competition and in the best possible light. He lives in London and works internationally.

My design and branding approach

Designing success in any business or life endeavour requires a multidisciplinary perspective and approach.

Many business people – like most laypeople – don’t understand branding, and think that it’s simply a matter of designing a new logo for their company and possibly a tagline to go underneath it, often failing to distinguish between branding and marketing.

A strong brand is a construct and has to do with every aspect of a company’s relationship with its customers. The primary function of branding is to facilitate the client’s decision-making by reducing anxiety and doubt and enhancing the trustworthiness of the brand. Most organizations know that keeping the long-term trust and loyalty of the customer is central to their success. And as the example of Arthur Andersen demonstrates, customer loyalty can disappear in an instant. Brands have become so important because they are so good at helping to create an efficient and expedient exchange.

Branding is perceptual management that works with such virtual aspects like values, associations, percepts, beliefs and metaphors. It’s a promise. If marketing is the body of an organization then branding is its mind. Taking branding further, it is the territory and the mind space because branding includes marketing.

So why brand? Because branding transforms businesses. And some of the key benefits of branding are higher levels of creativity; better communication and teamwork; improved efficiency, effectiveness and raised morale; prominence in the marketplace; higher motivation and of course increased profits.


Corporate clients Sony, SonyEricsson, BMG, Premier Inn, Do It All, Cable & Wireless, Friends Provident, Croner CCH Publications, Columbia Records, Arista Records, SuperExpress, Radio Zet
Celebrities Shakira & Michael Caine, the late Princess Diana, Kiki Dee, Julia Stephenson, Alidad, Andrea Ustinov, Anna Pasternak, superstar DJ and record producer Paul Oakenfold

How do I work?

My approach is holistic, systemic and practical. I/we analyze and understand a problem, break it into small pieces, and then solve each of these challenges to reintegrate them back into a system. I subscribe to 80/20, Pareto Principle and Albert Einstein’s problem-solving strategy: “If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it.” And I would look at the problem from different perspectives: personal and behavioural, social, cultural, transpersonal, systemic and so on. As Einstein has noticed, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

You’ll be asked to fill in a branding questionnaire to elicit your business and brand’s needs and objectives to form criteria for the design work.

Contact Jan: +44 7956 288574

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